The notion of energy
The notion of Qi in Chinese and Ki in Japanese, vital energy, occupies a decisive place in the traditional oriental therapeutic techniques. It’s important to understand that in the East, energy is the vital principle par excellence, it is at the base of everything that exists and that forms the universe.
The translation of the ideogram Ki “vapor, vital force, energy”, does not offer anything tangible for the western mind. “Energy”, the term most widely used, makes one think of the idea of force, of power, or conveys the result of a mechanic or electric activity. Nevertheless the concept of Ki can not be reduced to this idea of energy. Indeed, in the East one includes the idea of life in the term Ki – meaning the kind of life active in a seed.
Starting from this paradigm, shiatsu has constituted itself as a practice having as aim to make vital energy circulate harmoniously. It is impossible to live without energy, meanwhile, to have energy in itself, is not enough to live well: it is also important that its circulation is equilibrated in order for a person to be well with himself and with the environment around him.
In traditional oriental medicine, the Ki, energy in its subtle form, is intimately linked with the notion of blood (Ketsu), energy in its material aspect. The couple Ki-Ketsu should not deviate or stagnate, but should create harmony and communication in the different organic systems in order to avoid physical and psychological discomfort. When they circulate freely man is capable of knowledge and of consciousness and is in good health.