The session
In a session, the receiver is lying on a futon and remains dressed. The treatment is done with clothes on because direct contact with the skin stimulates superficial nerves, which have the effect of disturbing a deeper effect. By not touching the skin directly, the practitioner is more receptive to internal disequilibrium.
The session last about one hour, one part consisting of a general massage and the other of a shiatsu that is specific to the patient. It is preferable for the receiver to wear comfortable clothes and not to eat a consistent dinner just before a treatment.
General shiatsu
In oriental medicine man is always considered and treated globally. Therefore each session starts with a general shiatsu. While passing in a certain order on the meridians and the acupuncture points all over the back, legs, arms, belly and head the general shiatsu aims both at relaxing the totality of the body and at discovering zones of tension.
None of these tensions are ignored because they are generally symptoms of some deeper problem. For example the cause of a certain muscular pain does not always come from the painful area. Hence a pain in the leg can originate from a stagnation of energy in the lumbar or abdominal region.
Therapeutic shiatsu
The energetic reading of the body, done by the general shiatsu, by back diagnosis, as well as by palpation of the abdomen, pulse diagnosis and by a dialogue with the receiver, leads to the choice of a specific treatment. Meridians and acupuncture points are chosen and treated more in length and mobilizations can be done, in order to regulate the energy flow.